Positioning aids

More relief, more cost-effectiveness, less risk.

Small aids,
BIG effect.

The work in the operating theatre imposes an extreme strain on the back of nursing staff. A shortage of staff, increasing numbers of surgeries and an ever greater number of patients with obesity are exacerbating the situation. However, it has been proven that the strain can be reduced by means of small aids and a working method that is gentle on the back.

Nursing: a real back-breaking job

500 kilograms, half a ton – that is the weight that nursing staff have to struggle with on average a dozen times a day in the operating theatre. To be precise: It is the weight that is placed on the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region (L5/S1) of the staff members when they transfer a patient. This was shown in the much-quoted Dortmund lumbar stress study from 2007.

In the meantime, the load may well be even higher, as more and more patients are suffering from severe obesity. 20 years ago, 120 kilograms was considered an extremely heavy weight. Today, patients weighing 180 kilograms are no longer a rarity.

Obese patients and their repositioning from the stretcher to the operating table are not the only strain on the musculoskeletal system of the nursing staff: In addition, the nursing staff have to change the patient’s position during the operation and also stand for long periods in an unfavourable position, without being able to move around.

According to the German Trade Association for Health Service and Welfare Care (BGW), the heavy workload in the operating theatre can lead to shoulder, neck and back complaints. A BGW study revealed that half of the 1,390 nurses surveyed had complaints in the lumbar spine area (in the past four weeks).

The risk of musculoskeletal system disorders (MSE) – such as disc-related conditions – is already very high among the population as a whole: MSE are the cause of 23 percent of all lost working days in Germany. According to the BGW, the risk of an MSE in nursing care is significantly higher than in other work sectors. More and more employees are unable to work in this sector every year – and then more frequently and for longer. It can be assumed that surgical staff are particularly affected within nursing: In the 2017 OP Barometer of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, almost 65 percent of participating surgical and anaesthetic nurses (as well as OTA) confirmed that their occupational group suffers from a high level of days off sick.

Allerdings: Die Arbeit im OP muss nicht zwangsweise zu Rückenschmerzen, Bandscheibenvorfall und anderen Muskelskeletterkrankungen führen. Die Mitarbeiter selbst können etwas tun, indem sie Sport (Schwimmen etwa, Gymnastik oder Krafttraining) treiben und so für eine kräftige Rückenmuskulatur sorgen. Vor allem aber ist der Arbeitgeber gefragt. Für ihn heißt es: Mitarbeiter immer wieder in rückengerechter Arbeitsweise schulen lassen, eventuell Kinästhetik anbieten und vor allem: Hilfsmittel für den Transfer bereithalten. Dazu gehören beispielsweise eine Tischauflage, die sich idealerweise auch gleich als Transfertuch bis 300 Kilogramm nutzen lässt, und ein spezielles Transfertuch mit Laschen, welches erlaubt, den Patienten in die Bauchlage zu drehen.

Auch die BGW empfiehlt Hilfsmittel wie diese eindringlich. „Nutzen Sie sie konsequent, um die Belastungen für Ihren Rücken und Ihre Wirbelsäule im richtigen Maß zu halten“, heißt es bei der Berufsgenossenschaft. Dass sich die richtige Hebetechnik und die kleinen Hilfsmittel lohnen, zeigt auch die Dortmunder Lumbalbelastungsstudie: Die Druckkraft von knapp 5 Kilonewton (entsprechen 500 Kilogramm) reduziert sich um mehr als die Hälfte auf 1,9 Kilonewton. Damit liegt die Druckkraft sogar ein wenig unter dem Dortmunder Richtwert für Frauen im Alter von 50 Jahren. Er beträgt 2,5 Kilonewton, für Männer liegt er etwas höher, bei 2,7 Kilonewton.

Sogar die Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention (KRINKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut rät zu Umbetthilfen wie Einweg Transfertüchern in ihrer aktuellen Empfehlung aus April 2018 zur „Prävention postoperativer Wundinfektionen vor allem bei der Patientenübergabe. Es kommt so zu weniger Kontakten mit unterschiedlichen Oberflächen, was das Risiko für Kreuzkontaminationen mindert.“

Nosocomial infections are a particular problem in the operation theatre. These account for approximately 24 percent of all nosocomial infections in German emergency hospitals. In particular, multi-resistant pathogens are on the rise. These include MRSA, but also Clostridium deficile and the Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE), which can cause sepsis and peritonitis.

Diese Erreger sind eine Gefahr für Patienten, aber auch für Mitarbeiter. Deshalb ist es von Vorteil, wenn Pflegekräfte so wenig wie möglich mit Körperflüssigkeiten in Kontakt kommen und z. B. die OP-Tischauflage oder andere Lagerungshilfen Einwegprodukt sind, die sich schnell entsorgen lassen. Zwar tragen Mitarbeiter im OP Schutzkleidung und Einmalhandschuhe – trotzdem bleiben sie laut BGW einem besonderen Infektionsrisiko durch Blut- und Körperflüssigkeiten ausgesetzt. Gerade im OP geht es oft um große Flüssigkeitsmengen, die austreten können. Übersteigt dies die Saugkraft der Unterlage, führt dies zur Sturzgefahr. Hochabsorbierende Auflagen können dieses Risiko minimieren (auch um beim Kautern Hautläsionen oder gar Verbrennungen vorzubeugen). Die Unfall- und insbesondere die Sturzgefahr im OP nehmen auch durch die allgemeine Hektik und enge im OP zu. Die Zahl der Operationen ist in Deutschland zwischen 2005 und 2015 um über 30% von 12,1 Millionen um 4,3 Millionen auf 16,4 Millionen gestiegen. Im selben Zeitraum hat sich die Zahl des nicht-ärztlichen Personals zwischen 1995 und 2015 um 2 Prozent verringert. 

It is hardly surprising that many nurses are leaving the operating theatre: In the OR Barometer, 46 percent of those questioned complained about high fluctuation. The top-level management of hospitals must act. The operating theatre is the economic heart of the clinic and it is in this very area that increasingly capacity has to be reduced due to a lack of surgical specialists. In the Hospital Barometer of the German Hospital Institute (DKI), around a third of clinics reported having reduced the number of operations in selected operating theatres and occasionally closing some operating theatres. 

What can the management teams do? A look into the OR barometer provides information. In the report, one statement in particular stands out: “My work is recognised by the hospital management”. Half of all respondents did not agree! This is where to start. Of course, staff shortages and the hectic pace cannot be overcome so easily for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, it is possible to make the work of the OR staff easier, by training them to lift and carry correctly and to purchase small aids – as recommended by BGW and KRINKO – without further delay. Very useful for the entire hospital – even if only a few employees are less affected by back pain, herniated discs and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.                                        

Correct storage, decreased risk of pressure sores

Patients often need to be moved to a specific position during surgery to ensure optimal access to the surgical area. Correct positioning is extremely important because of the increased risk of pressure sores. Basically, the risk of decubitus increases during surgery because the patient is absolutely relaxed. The anaesthetic prevents the little movements we normally make while sleeping. The risk of decubitus is particularly high if:

  • the patient has many underlying conditions, such as: diabetes, obesity, circulatory disorders
  • the operation lasts over 6 hours
  • the blood loss is high
  • the patient lies on his side for a long time
  • many physical forces act during positioning and individual body parts such as the face are exposed to unusually high pressure
  • the patient is exposed to high moisture levels.

Hospitals have to take this risk very seriously. Negligent or improper storage not only promotes pressure ulcers of the skin and soft tissues: Joints and ligaments, nerves and blood vessels can also be irreversibly damaged.

Gefahr der Erblindung

Nerve damage is a particular danger in the case of abdominal positioning during spinal surgery. Pressure damage to the eyes including loss of sight is possible if the head is not correctly positioned.

Strict Court Judgments

Durch verschiedene Lagerungshilfen, etwa spezielle Kopflagerungskissen,A range of positioning aids, such as special headrest cushions, can prevent or at least reduce such positioning damage. Absorbent table pads are also recommended to protect the patient from moisture. It is strongly recommended that clinics use these small aids: The recently revised expert standard for decubitus prophylaxis of 2017 emphasises the responsibility of the facilities more strongly than before, and the demands on nursing staff are now formulated even more clearly. The legal assessment of decubitus cases is also strict – often the reversal of evidence applies: This means that the clinic must prove that it has done everything in its power to prevent a decubitus.

patients are no longer a rarity.

of the OR nurses complain of a high sick-leave rate.

is the weight that a special transfer sheet can handle.

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Discover our product highlights related to positioning aids


Especially in the neck and facial regions, important and sensitive nerve pathways are located. They control most of our motor functions, making them particularly vulnerable. Just a few minutes in an incorrectly supported position can lead to nerve, skin or soft tissue damage.


Our solutions for head positioning in prone position

for the

Optimum use of the theatre, shorter preparation times – in terms of economic demands, the burden on nursing staff, hygiene requirements and the well-being of the patient must not be forgotten. Here are a few examples from our range of consumer goods that make life in nursing easier for everyone when it comes to storage, relocation, special positioning and patient hygiene.

Operating table cover sheet with transfer function

The safe all-in-one solution

With its heavy-duty, tear-resistant special backing film, the operating table cover sheet safely transfers even heavy patients weighing up to 200 kg onto the operating table and back again.


Prepare for OP's in no time

The room turnaround kit helps to optimize the preparation time between surgeries. The components of the set are packed together, so everything you need for preparation is readily accessible.

Into-Prone repositioning aid

The innovative solution for 180° repositioning in prone position

The Into-Prone transfer cloth is a practical disposable solution for transfer into the prone position. The patient is turned 180° in no time at all, while the OR staff has full control over the patient during the entire transfer.


Decubitus and nerve damage are enemies of every positioning specialist in the operating theatre or intensive care unit. A number of pressure points at risk of decubitus must be observed in order to be able to optimally position the patient. Decubitus triggers are however not only pressure or friction, but also moisture. The follow-up costs of corresponding therapies can cause economic damage of up to € 2 billion/year.

Patient Underpads

The superabsorbent patient underpad that makes all the difference.

Breathable patient underpad made of PP spunbond, hydrophilic with air-laid absorbent core from super absorbent polymer. The breathable PE film guarantees an optimal comfort.

Disposable positioning cushions

The solution for safe prone positioning in the operating theatre and intensive care

It is not without reason that prone positioning is also called the supreme discipline of patient positioning. Our hygienic disposable storage cushions allow you to safely support the legs, arms and the body in a prone position.

Helping people care.

nordiska is your specialist for intelligent and innovative work facilitation, aids and functional furniture in the health sector – whether in clinics or practices. Our product range and our service are optimally tailored to you and your field of activity in the specific departments. We want to help you to help your patients in the best possible way.

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experienced partner

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Certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13485:2012

You can rely on us: We work with a DIN-certified quality management system for the distribution of medical products.



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